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19.3.1 Syntax of Logical Pathname Namestrings

The syntax of a logical pathname namestring is as follows. (Note that unlike many notational descriptions in this document, this is a syntactic description of character sequences, not a structural description of objects.)

logical-pathname::= [host host-marker]  
                    [relative-directory-marker] {directory directory-marker}*  
                    [name] [type-marker type [version-marker version]] 

host::= word 
directory::= word | wildcard-word | wild-inferiors-word 
name::= word | wildcard-word 
type::= word | wildcard-word 
version::= pos-int | newest-word | wildcard-version 

host-marker---a colon.

relative-directory-marker---a semicolon.

directory-marker---a semicolon.

type-marker---a dot.

version-marker---a dot.

wild-inferiors-word---The two character sequence ``**'' (two asterisks).

newest-word---The six character sequence ``newest'' or the six character sequence ``NEWEST''.

wildcard-version---an asterisk.

wildcard-word---one or more asterisks, uppercase letters, digits, and hyphens, including at least one asterisk, with no two asterisks adjacent.

word---one or more uppercase letters, digits, and hyphens.

pos-int---a positive integer. Additional Information about Parsing Logical Pathname Namestrings

The following X3J13 cleanup issue, not part of the specification, applies to this section:

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